Ongoing communication with the community and public are critical to the success of Projects. GHA is fully aware and sensitive to the need to keep the community and public informed about projects and programs that impact them. We provide a comprehensive and integrated approach to working with the community and the public. A key to successful public involvement is determining the issues and concerns of those impacted by a Project. We provide practical ways to actively listen to and respond to these issues and concerns. Our services include conducting needs assessment and issues analysis; developing, implementing and monitoring a Community Relations and Public Involvement Plan and Program; developing and maintaining a project database and distribution list of Project Stakeholders; drafting written materials; and planning, coordinating, publicizing, conducting, facilitating and documenting community meetings, community briefings, and/or meetings and briefings with business and professional organizations.
Key examples of these services include:
The City of Seattle Department of Transportation Community Outreach Services
GHA is currently under contract with the City of Seattle Department of Transportation (“SDOT”) to provide community outreach services on an on-call basis. GHA staff work closely with SDOT’s community outreach team to identify various parties who will be impacted by SDOT construction activity throughout the Seattle city limits, provide information to such parties and document interaction with affected parties. Specific activities GHA has engaged in include staffing community outreach meetings, preparing and distributing construction notices to residences/ businesses and maintaining databases of contacts with parties. Public outreach services were provided to the following SDOT projects: the Denny, Dexter and Mercer Street Improvements Project, the Elliott Way, 15nth Ave and Denny Way Street Improvements Project, the 47nth Avenue Southwest Landslide Repair Project, the Fauntleroy Avenue Southwest Street Improvements Project, the 2nd and 4th Avenue Street Improvements Project, the Stewart Street Improvements Project, the Pike Street Improvements Project, the Linden Ave North Street Improvements Project, the Greenwood Avenue North Street Improvements Project, the Pike Street Hill Climb Improvements Project and the Beacon Hill Mountains to Sound Project.
The City of Seattle Office of Policy & Management Aurora Avenue Action Agenda
As a sub consultant, GHA was retained to provide community outreach services with the Aurora Avenue leaders, representatives and organizations. The Task Force included a diverse range of opinions and perspectives from leaders of merchant associations, community associations and organizations and churches.The project entailed working in collaboration with staff from the departments of housing,
neighborhoods, planning, policy and management and police, developing recommendations for the community participation process, facilitating eight community meetings to develop the Aurora Avenue Action Agenda document (including the visioning process) and summarizing/analyzing the process. The outcome was the production of the Aurora Avenue Action Plan that was presented to Mayor Greg Nickels.

Griffin, Hill & Associates, LLC

Your Productivity Improvement Partners
Community Outreach & Public Involvement
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Website design by Ayanna Redmond- Gratton
"I just wanted to say thank you and express my appreciation for taking time from your busy schedule to present on the University Link Project at our most recent DOC meeting. It was a thorough presentation that all found to be extremely informative."
Leslie Jones
Sound Transit
Diversity Program Manager